Posted by: Dex
According to my calendar, today is 3/14. That means it's Pi Day, celebrating the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
According to my calendar, today is 3/14. That means it's Pi Day, celebrating the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
Wake me when you're done.
Some people know it as 3.14 and that's why 3/14 is Pi Day. But pi actually goes much further than that. Count the letters of the phrase, "How I wish I could calculate pi" and you'll get 3.141592.
But you can go further. These guys, Songs To Wear Pants To, go to fifty decimal places, where the letters of "Man I can't" starts you off with 3.14 — go on, sing along:
"Man, I can't, I shant
formulate an anthem where the words comprise mnemonics
dreaded mnemonics for pi
The numerals just bother me, always
even the dry anterior
try to request something lower (zero)
in numerary aptitude, even I, pantaloon gallant
I cannot actualize the requested mnemonics
the leading fifty, I..."
You and your numbers. So what's green about circles? This is a Web site about being green. Not being a dweeb.
I thought you'd never ask. If you look at a can from above before you recycle it, what do see?
And if you put all 4 million miles of roads in the USA around the Earth's equator, they would CIRCLE the Earth 157 times. That's a lot of road for our 200 million gas-guzzling cars.
And don't forget organic apple pie with a whole wheat crust. That's a green pie.