Posted by: Dex
Here's a special blog for Hoyt — and for any other adults who kinda sorta maybe want to do something green. Here are Ten Lazy Tips for those in your family who can barely lift a finger.
- Use the computer! Read your newspapers online to save a tree.
- Use the dishwasher! A full dishwasher uses less hot water than a sink full of dishes.
- Buy stuff with less packaging! Less to carry, less to throw in the trash.
- Download music! No plastic necessary.
- Wash clothes in cold water! Very few clothes need warm or hot washing.
- Change some light bulbs. Get those low-energy twisty compact ones.
- Don't idle the car! Cough, cough....
- Turn off some lights! And all those vampire appliances that drink power even when they're on standby. It'll even save money.
- Eat less meat! Producing red meat uses a lot of energy. And those cows produce a lot of their own, um, emissions too. P-U!
- Vote! Choose political candidates you think will help the planet.