Posted by: Izz
Today we're hanging out with our new friend, Riley. She's as green as we are! Maybe even greener. She's 12, lives in Arkansas, and has her own Web site called CG Kidz. What's your Web site about, Riley?
Today we're hanging out with our new friend, Riley. She's as green as we are! Maybe even greener. She's 12, lives in Arkansas, and has her own Web site called CG Kidz. What's your Web site about, Riley?
CG Kidz is green stuff by kids for kids. It teaches kids how they can be green and help our earth.
I heard you designed your own reusable water bottle and you get to visit schools all over the country. That sounds awesome.
It is! I visit schools because I love meeting the kids and giving them their water bottles and talking to them about the 3 Rs and CG Kidz. It is so much fun. I love it!
Don't you get nervous talking in front of all those kids? And how do you have time for that? Don't you have to go to school too?
Yes! Of course I always get nervous in front of so many kids, but it is still so much fun. I get to skip school to travel but luckily for me, my principal wants me to go and travel!
So what else can kids like us do to be more green?
You could start an environmental club! That's a club to teach kids about how and why we need to help the environment. You do activities like recycle drives and you get to play a whole bunch of green games. You can start a green club at your school by talking to your principal and getting your friends to help.
My New Year's resolution this year is to show everyone how much fun it is to be green. What do you think the best part of it is?
The most fun part about being green is knowing that I can share so many important things with kids my own age to help them take care of their own world. My parents make it fun too by including me in everything, and I make up my own green projects like when we got rid of all of our plastics in the house.
You got rid of all the plastic stuff? That must have been a big job. Maybe we should start with that plastic jug of milk in the back of the fridge. I think it's growing fur. What do you think, Riley?
Definitely! And next you can get rid of plastic water bottles and use one that is stainless steel, like this one! Every kid should do their part — if we do, just think how clean our world will be when we grow up! DRINK FROM A REUSABLE BOTTLE and don't buy plastic!